Monday, May 7, 2012

Excellence in Eagle Class

On Tuesday the whole school celebrated the handing over of the SKDC Olympic torch. Each class took on an Olympic Value for the day. Our value was excellence which the children were very pleased with, asking if I had chosen this value as we were 'excellent eagle class'!

During the morning we thought about what excellence meant to us and how we could achieve personal excellence. We then wrote acrostic poems about our ideas of excellence. This was in fact quite tricky due to the number of Es and the tricky X in our value. However we did very well and came up with lots of appropriate words for the letter E such as endeavour, enthusiasm and endurance! We shared a class acrostic, combining lots of our ideas, during an afternoon whole school assembly.

In the afternoon we each decorated a sheet with our name on. We then left our sheet in our place and our task was to write on the sheets of our classmates about what we thought they were excellent at. This resulted in 15 minutes of near silence (unrequested) as the children took the task very seriously, thinking carefully about what they thought others were excellent at. The children even filled in sheets for myself, the other adults who work in our class and Mrs Glendinning.

Everyone enjoyed spending time reflecting on what people had said about them and found it interesting to see what other people thought they were good at. From this, we picked out 5 things we thought we were excellent at and recorded these on our own Olympic Rings sheet. Written around the outside we reflected on who it is that helps us achieve our excellence and realised that as well as our own dedication and motivation we also receive lots of support and encouragement from the people around us.

All in all it was a thoroughly enjoyable day and I was very proud of how well the children reflected on the excellence of their classmates and on their own personal excellence.

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