Friday, May 17, 2013


We have been using the picture book Tuesday by David Wiesner to inspire us to write our own newspaper reports.

We have been writing in paragraphs, including an introduction and conclusion paragraph. We learnt how to write witness accounts, including quotes. We worked hard to create eye-catching headlines. Some of us even used alliteration and puns for our headlines. 

We spent time drafting our work then used ICT to publish. 

Mrs Simeoli Brown has worked hard to create a fabulous display in the corridor to celebrate our wonderful work. Take a look next time you're in school. In the meantime, here are a few photos. 


We have been practising our sewing skills lately and learning new stitches in order to produce our weather inspired appliqué work. We have also been making sure we try to thread our own needle, knot our own thread and finish our own work off neatly. The children are really enjoying their sewing, and other than a few messy tangles of thread, we have been able to work quite independently on our work. It is all starting to look really good. We will upload some photos to show you when we have finished. 


This week in science we explored 5 activities to be introduced to the concept of air resistance. Here are some photos of some of our activities.