Thursday, May 31, 2012

Music Performance

Thursday afternoon was the school music performance.

Congratulations to Anna, Evie, Edie, Georgia, Lucy M and Willow who all performed as soloists.

Eagle class performed Do Re Mi from 'The sound of music' to the rest of the school. In music this term we have been learning about melodies and pitch, as mentioned in previous blogs. We then moved onto to learning about scales and learnt part of Do Re Mi. We really enjoyed singing it so decided to perform it as our music performance.

This morning I filmed our rehearsal in order to upload a video however I am still trying to upload it successfully....

Performing Do Re Mi to the rest of the school during the school music concert.

Church Art Work

On Thursday morning we went up to church to see our art work displayed. In term 4 we came up to the church and chose an aspect of the church we wanted to produce a piece of art work on. It was our choice what part of the church we could do and what medium we could use. Our art work was of a variety of things including parts of the stained glass windows, the arches, the brick work or parts of the tapestries. We used pastels, paints, charcoal, collage... the choice really was ours as to what we wanted to do!

Congratulations to Ryan who gained first prize. Highly commended was awarded to Callum, Jessica P, Evie, Holly, Sophie B and Anna.

We enjoyed seeing our art work displayed as well as seeing the rest of the school's art work in church. We were pleased to all receive a small sketchbook and sketching pencils.  We also were awarded a special Jubilee commemorative copy of the New Testament. Thanks go to all the people who organised the competition and provided gifts/ prizes for all children including the 'Society for All Artists', Caythorpe Church and the FSA.

Peterborough Trip

On Wednesday, all of Key Stage 2 went on a trip to Peterborough to visit a Mosque and the Cathedral, with lunch at ferry meadows.

We had a great day and the children in Eagle class did us all proud with their super behaviour and thoughtful questions.

Monday, May 28, 2012


As part of the Jubilee events, our class are entering a writing competition. As part of this it was arranged for members of the community who have met the Queen would come in for us to interview.
In the morning we had thought about some questions we could ask.
This afternoon we then interviewed our visitors. We found out about why they had met the Queen (eg. receiving an MBE, being invited to a tea party...) and what they talked to her about. We  learnt about the do's and don'ts for meeting the Queen such as how she should be addressed and handshakes. Here are some of the  questions we asked:
- what was the Queen wearing?
- what did you eat?
- did you meet any other members of the Royal Family?
- was Prince Philip funny?
- how did you feel as you met the Queen?
- did you have to wear anything special to meet the Queen?

I was really proud of how sensibly and thoughtfully the children asked questions and for how well they listened to the responses (especially considering it was last thing on Monday in a hot classroom after tennis/ swimming).

We were very interested in what our visitors had to say and this will form part of our literacy as we write a report about the interviews. They brought photographs and one visitor brought in his medals, including his MBE.


Today the Year 4 had a tennis lesson with the Year 3s (while the Year 5s were swimming).
Here are some photos:


In science we investigated which material was the most absorbent. We poured 100ml of water onto each material, timed it for 30s and then removed the material. We then measured how much water was left, telling us how much water had been absorbed by the material. The children worked hard and came up with all the suggestions of how we could test to see which material was most absorbent. They were able to suggest how to keep it a fair test and carried out their investigations sensibly.

Although yet again, as with our Titanic science work, we had some wet science books due to a spillage (and school uniform) which needed drying out in the sunshine!

Performing fables

 In literacy we have been learning about fables, particularly those told by Aesop. Each group had a different fable which they had a short amount of time to prepare a performance of for the rest of the class. Each group did really well, deciding who was to take on which role and ensuring the rest of the class understood the characters and the moral.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Year 5 Bikeability

Abstract Noun Poetry


Some of our abstract noun poems....


In music we have been learning about what a melody is. We have listened carefully to simple melodies and followed the pitch with our hands. We then had a go at writing the melody, thinking about the pitch and the interval between notes. We then had a go at playing the melodies on different tuned instruments. Although it did sound chaotic as a whole class, each group were successful at learning the melody, supporting each other with this.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A great week

Some of the highlights from last week to report on:

On Thursday the rain held off and we were able to have our first complete PE lesson of the term outside! The children did really well as we had a go at some cricket skills including batting and bowling. Next week we will be recapping these skills, looking at fielding techniques and putting everything into practice in a game situation. I'll try and remember to take the camera out to take some pics....

We also did some wonderful literacy work. We had been learning about myths and had enjoyed the story of Pandora's box. We then used this as stimulus for some great writing. Firstly we imagined we were Pandora and wrote great descriptions of what we imagined the box was like, why we decided to open it and how we felt as we did so. Later in the week we wrote abstract noun poetry about some of the ideas that emerged from Pandora's box (cruelty, pain, hope) and about similar/ contrasting ideas such as anger, love, happiness etc. We considered our senses and emotions to describe what ideas the abstract noun evoked to us eg. anger is red, anger tastes burnt and bitter, anger lives in the heart of a volcano. The resulting poetry was powerful and thoughtful.... Again I hope to take some photos/ type up some of our poems for you to read on here.

On Wednesday afternoon the children produced some super information posters about the Ancient Greeks foccusing on their houses, food and drink, clothing and entertainment. Mrs Keeble was very pleased with the quality of work produced.

Next week will be bikeability for the Year 5s (Tues & Weds)

I hope you are enjoying reading our Eagle Class Blog.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Excellence in Eagle Class

On Tuesday the whole school celebrated the handing over of the SKDC Olympic torch. Each class took on an Olympic Value for the day. Our value was excellence which the children were very pleased with, asking if I had chosen this value as we were 'excellent eagle class'!

During the morning we thought about what excellence meant to us and how we could achieve personal excellence. We then wrote acrostic poems about our ideas of excellence. This was in fact quite tricky due to the number of Es and the tricky X in our value. However we did very well and came up with lots of appropriate words for the letter E such as endeavour, enthusiasm and endurance! We shared a class acrostic, combining lots of our ideas, during an afternoon whole school assembly.

In the afternoon we each decorated a sheet with our name on. We then left our sheet in our place and our task was to write on the sheets of our classmates about what we thought they were excellent at. This resulted in 15 minutes of near silence (unrequested) as the children took the task very seriously, thinking carefully about what they thought others were excellent at. The children even filled in sheets for myself, the other adults who work in our class and Mrs Glendinning.

Everyone enjoyed spending time reflecting on what people had said about them and found it interesting to see what other people thought they were good at. From this, we picked out 5 things we thought we were excellent at and recorded these on our own Olympic Rings sheet. Written around the outside we reflected on who it is that helps us achieve our excellence and realised that as well as our own dedication and motivation we also receive lots of support and encouragement from the people around us.

All in all it was a thoroughly enjoyable day and I was very proud of how well the children reflected on the excellence of their classmates and on their own personal excellence.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Class Assembly

Thank you to those of you who were able to come to our class assembly. We enjoyed seeing so many of you and being able to share with you some of the things we have been learning about this term. We really enjoyed inviting you back into our classroom as the children could tell you more about some of the work we have been doing and show you some of their other work which they might not have had opportunity to do during the class assembly. We hope you enjoyed the assembly and the opportunity for your children to show you some of  their work.