Wednesday, June 27, 2012

D&T day at SWRHS

A fabulous day out today for Eagle class at SWRHS. Half of us did graphic design and the other half got to do textiles. The graphic design group designed their own special commemorative Olympic stamps. In textiles, the children used the sewing machines to make a denim pencil case with a union jack on it. During the afternoon we all used their Apple Mac suite to make movies of our morning.

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Graphic Design

Choosing our material for the triangles of our Union Jack.

Ironing the bondaweb onto the fabric
Designing stamps.
Hard at work with the sewing machines.
Using the sewing machine.
Using the Apple Mac Suite to make our own movies
of our day at SWRHS
Our finished Union Jack pencil cases!
Cabe and Ryan concentrating hard on the
driving test.
Concentrating hard on our sewing.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Year 4 Maths- Tangrams

In Year 4 maths we have continued with our work on visualising shapes. Our task today was to use tangrams to give instructions to our partner to make the picture on our card. We had to use mathematical language to be successful such as shape names, rotate, reflect, up down, left, right... We found it quite tricky but everyone did really well and focused on giving clear instructions or asking questions to clarify instructions We enjoyed working with different partners.During the lesson today the pictures we had to describe had the shapes clearly defined. At the end of the lesson we had a look at a tangram picture which did not have the shapes defined- we were determined to solve it and were so keen we were late going to playtime. We will be carrying on with our visualising work this week.  

If you want to try a tangram at home online, try this website. We will be trying some other online tangrams later in the week but can't access this one at school for some reason...
Woodland Junior Maths Site appears to have links to a few good interactive tangram sites also which we will be trying out hopefully in Fridays lesson.

Also the children have been set a challenge to find out a bit more about what a tangram actually is and where it originates from.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Y4 Mini Olympics at Cranwell

Today Mrs Glendinning and Mrs Williams took our Year 4 to Cranwell for the Mini Olympics. By the sounds of it at a great day was had by all and I look forward to hearing about it in more detail from the children tomorrow. Their behaviour was yet again excellent and a special congratulations to Drew, Jessica and Willow for winning trophies!
Mrs Glendinning got a bit photo happy and took 126 photos! It looks like it was great fun!
Here are a selection:

Thank you Mrs Glendinning for spending the day with Year 4 and thank you to parents (and staff) who helped with transport to take the children up to Cranwell.  

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Year 4 Village Schools Festival

On Thursday Year 4 went to St Deny's church in Sleaford for the Village School's festival. The theme was 'Going for Goals' to tie in with the Olympic values. We had made medals with a value or attribute we thought we had. All the other schools had made medals too and when we got there we presented our medals. We then did some singing and after that it was time for our first activity. One of our groups did dance while the other group did Orienteering. Later that morning we went into our second activity which was illuminated letters or making an inspiration book.

At lunch time it was raining so unfortunately no picnic lunch outside. After lunch each group presented their second activity so our children went up to show their illuminated letters and their books. We finished our day with some more singing.

When we got back to school the dance group, Mrs Williams and Mr Brooke taught the rest of us the dance they had started learning. They couldn't quite remember all of it but they gave it a good go! We will look at finding out the full dance and learning it properly with the whole class over the last few weeks of term.

Thank you to Miss Magan, Mr Brooke and Mrs Williams for accompanying us on our day out. Well done year 4 for being so polite and well- behaved over the day.

(Photos to follow later in the week...)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Week 1 in photos

Solving puzzles in maths

Music with Mr Cozens

 Some of our Greek Tireme Work

Visualising shapes in maths

 Using the instruments to create rythmns and keeping
to a tempo- um cha cha, um cha cha...

Creating our own musical story

Our tireme creations- they are hanging up in our classroom
and look great.

History/ Art- Creating Greek Tiremes

Greek Tiremes
Making an octahedron in maths

Gardening with Mr Maksymiw- pulling the weeds out!

Nearly there with the weeding- ready for some more plants.