Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Titanic Science Afternoon

To mark the 100 years since the sinking of the Titanic, we are having a special focus week.

On Tuesday afternoon we had a fun science afternoon to investigate floating and sinking. We had four different activities to try out. The tables got a bit wet but we enjoyed investigating!

These are the four activities we tried out:

1) Predicting which objects would float and sink. Then comparing these objects in salt water.

2) Does plasticine float or sink? Our challenge was to make shapes using the plasticine that would float.

3) How many paperclips will my paperboat hold before it sinks?
We each made a paperboat using 1 sheet of A4 paper and selotape. We then loaded up our boats with paperclips until they sank. Over the course of the afternoon the designs got better and better- some holding over 200 paperclips before they sank!

4) What happens when I put raisins in carbonated water?
Firstly we predicted what we thought would happen. Some of us thought the raisins would change colour. Some of us thought they would sink straight to the bottom. Some of us thought the bubbles would fizz around the raisins.
We were impressed to see that the raisins actually sank then floated to the surface, then sank again, then floated, then sank.....

We recorded our predictions, observations and conclusions. Some of the sheets needed time to dry out. We will be displaying some of our work and photos from the afternoon.

All in all, a good start to the term, if a little wet!